Your Privacy Requests on Auto-pilot.

Streamline your entire request handling process with automated DSR workflows and one-click request fulfillment, saving your team hundreds of hours on privacy.

Automate Requests
Join thousands of companies using MineOS

Why Use MineOS for Request Handling?

MineOS is engineered to be the most seamless way to handle Data Subject Requests on the market, finally delivering the value you’ve always wanted from your privacy operations.

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Lower costs, less time

No more back and forth - instantly validate users with ©Evidence by Mine, and delete or modify their data across your entire stack in just one click.

Flexible to any framework

Check the box on compliance regardless of the regulation or requirement. From CCPA/CPRA and other US laws to GDPR, we’ve got you covered.

No code required

Give your team the gift of time, with a no-code platform that’s easy to set up and requires minimal supervision and no complex configuration.

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Privacy choices push brand value

Red carpet treatment when looking or asking for privacy options is a big plus for brands, and no one does it better than MineOS

DSR handling with less people/hours/dollars

Start handling requests through MineOS in a single day, and finally remove the costly manual work from your privacy operations. 75% of MineOS customers using no-code DSR automations saved over $140,000 in request handling overhead last year.

See the Savings

Primed for the privacy frameworks you need

Simplify handling of Data Subject Requests (DSR) and Access Requests (DSAR), including opt-outs and data deletion, to comply with CCPA/CPRA, GDPR, and other global privacy laws. Stay prepared for future regulations, ensuring ongoing compliance and peace of mind.

See How

In-depth tracking for privacy operations

Get immediate visibility into your request handling progress with the MineOS DSR dashboard. See DSR trends such as where requests are coming from, how often, and what types are most common, and recognize what your most urgent DSR tasks are.

Manage DSR Workflows

Enable your customers’ privacy choices

No matter the channel, seamlessly serve your customers their privacy choices and handle them all in one place. Use our Privacy Center to offer a branded page where all the magic happens.

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Confident Peace of Mind

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